SEO tools are things that help improve where your website shows up when people search on Google or other search engines. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is all about making your website rank higher in search results. Using these tools helps boost your website’s position so more people can find it when they’re looking for something online.

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool from Google that helps you understand what’s happening on your website. Even though it might sound like a small thing in your online world, Google Analytics is actually a big deal. For many businesses, their website is like a central hub where people come and go.

Let’s say you do things like ads on Google or social media. Chances are, people who see your ads will end up on your website at some point. That’s why over 50 million websites worldwide use Google Analytics. If you’re not using it yet, you should set it up now to see how people are interacting with your site.

2. Answer the Public

Answer the Public” is a helpful tool that gives content creators useful information about questions people ask online. When you type in a keyword, the tool gathers common questions and creates a neat chart with topics and phrases related to that keyword. Answer The Public also suggests keywords using words like “versus,” “like,” and “with.” The great thing is, it’s free to use.

3. MozBar

MozBar is a free tool that works with the Chrome browser. It helps you analyze backlinks, which are links from other websites to yours. With MozBar, you can get important information about websites and search results. You can easily see how strong a website is and find keywords. It lets you highlight and compare links on different sites. MozBar is great for doing quick SEO studies. If you want more features, you can get a MozPro subscription, which gives you things like page optimization and info about how hard certain keywords are.

4. Mobile-Friendly Test

The Mobile-Friendly Test tool from Google helps you check if your website works well on phones and tablets. Just type in your website’s address, and it will say if your site is good for mobile devices. Many online tools are available to test websites for mobile use, and you can choose any of them.

This tool’s score will help you see if your website gives a good experience on mobiles. Nowadays, Google values sites that load quickly and look nice on desktops, tablets, and mobiles everywhere.

5. Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker

Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker is a tool that lets you see the top 100+ websites linking back to your site for free. It also tells you about the five websites with the most links, the commonly used words in those links, and the total number of different domains and links pointing to your site. This helps you quickly benefit from new links.

6. Similar Web

Similar Web is a digital tool made for checking out the market and finding other companies like yours. It helps you see what’s popular and who your competition might be, so you can plan better. With Similar Web, you can also discover potential business partners and connect with people interested in your company.

Similar Web has gotten a lot of attention and even gained an investment of 1.1 million dollars. They also added a browser extension in the same year. This tool gives you lots of info about websites, like how many people visit them, where they are globally, what they’re interested in, and more.

7. XML Sitemaps Generator

A Sitemap, according to Google, is like a file that shares information about the different parts of your website, such as pages, videos, and other documents. Search engines, like Google, use this file to understand and explore your website better. The Sitemap helps the search engine figure out which files are important on your site and provides useful details.

The XML Sitemaps Generator tool is handy for creating the Sitemap files for your website in XML and HTML formats. You can use it without signing up, and it quickly prepares your Sitemap. The results show you the number of pages, any broken links, what’s in the XML file, and a link to the map file.

8. Keyword Tool

The Keyword Tool is a helpful resource for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) work. SEO involves finding the right words people might use to search online. This tool is like a free version of Google’s tool for finding these words. It suggests over 700 keywords based on your research.

What’s cool is it doesn’t just give you short words; it also suggests longer phrases for your blog. You can choose which country, platform (like Google or YouTube), and language you want keywords for. If you go for the premium (paid) version, you can get even more keywords – twice as many!

9. SEO Site Checkup

SEO Site Checkup is a tool that keeps a close eye on how Google and other important search engines rank websites. It stays up-to-date with the latest practices in the industry by following changes in Google’s ranking system. When you use it, you’ll find that it quickly shows you important information about your website with just one click. This includes general SEO metrics and details from the Website Rating Checker.

The Website Score Checker not only tells you about your site’s performance but also provides screenshots of how it looks on both desktop and mobile. This helps you see how your website appears and gives you ideas on how to make it better for higher rankings.

10. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a popular plugin for WordPress, a tool many people use to build websites. This plugin is helpful for making sure your WordPress site shows up well in search engines. With Yoast, you can easily write titles and descriptions for your posts and pages. The cool part is, even if you change what your page is about, Yoast helps you keep all the important info that search engines look at.

Another neat feature is that you can see how your content will look when people share it on social media. If you upgrade to Yoast Premium, you can even do this before your changes go live. It’s considered one of the best tools for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

11. Google Trends

Google Trends is a useful tool to see how popular different topics are in specific regions and languages. It shows this information in a graph, making it easy to understand. You can compare multiple topics to see which one is more popular than the others. It’s a helpful way to know what people are searching for online.

12. SEO Web Page Analyzer

The SEO Web Page Analyzer is a tool that looks closely at your website. It checks for things like missing image descriptions, too much stuff on a page, and errors in how the headings are organized. It’s like a detective for your website to find and fix these issues.

13. Uber suggest

Ubersuggest is a helpful tool for understanding what people are searching for online. It gives you ideas for keywords and content that can make your website more popular. It’s like a guide to help your website get noticed by more people on the internet.

14. Mangools

Mangools is a useful set of tools to help you with things like finding good keywords for your website and checking how well it’s doing on search engines. It’s like a toolbox for website owners, making it easier to improve and manage your site.

15. Netpeak Spider

Netpeak Spider is a tool for checking and improving websites. You can install it on your Windows computer after creating a free Netpeak account. Once it’s installed, just click on the spider icon on your desktop to use it.

This tool helps you look at the links coming in and going out of your site, find broken links, and see how your pages are set up for search engines. It also spots duplicate content and checks things like titles and meta descriptions. With Netpeak Spider, you can even search and extract specific parts of a webpage using different methods. It’s like a detective tool for websites!

This is a guide to SEO tools. We’ve talked about different kinds of tools that help boost a website’s traffic. You can pick the tools that suit what you need for your website.

If you want more information about SEO, then you can visit here